Marinate the tiger prawns with salt, pepper, coriander and olive oil for up to 2 hours. 以盐、胡椒、胡荽及橄榄油调腌虎虾2小时以上。
A class superfine fragrant pressing peanut oil is rich in linoleic acid and oleic acid, coriander oil with rich of oleic acid is a condiment oil, and perilla seed oil is rich in α-linolenic acid. 浓香型压榨一级花生油富含油酸、亚油酸,香味浓郁;芫荽籽油富含油酸,香味独特,是良好的调味油;紫苏籽油富含亚麻酸。
Put chopped fresh tuna, chopped shallot, chopped coriander, chopped chive, olive oil, lemon juice and white soy sauce in a bowl, add salt and pepper, then mix well. 把吞拿鱼粒、小洋葱粒、芫荽、香葱、橄榄油、柠檬汁、日本白豉油放于碗中拌匀,加入盐及胡椒粉调味。
A total of 67 compounds was identified including 21 that were reported in coriander seed essential oil for the first time. 共有67种化合物被鉴定,其中21种为首次在芫荽子精油中被发现。
Study on functionality of coriander essential oil 香菜挥发油功能性研究
The compositions of essential oil from the aerial parts of coriander by the ultrasound extraction ( UE) in ethyl ether as solvent in 0.284% yield were analyzed by GC-MS, and 70 components were identified, which accounting for 93.634% of total oil. 以乙醚为溶剂,采用超声波法萃取香菜,以0.284%产率获得了香菜芳香精油,用GC-MS对精油进行了成分分析,解析出70种物质,占精油93.634%。
Analysis of Chemical Constituents of Coriander Seed Oil from Laifeng County 来凤芫荽子油化学成份分析
In this paper a study of the composition of coriander seed essential oil prepared by steam distillation and supercritical CO_2 fluid extraction was made by means of GC and GC-MS. 本文采用GC和GC-MS技术对芫荽子超临界CO2流体萃取(SFE-CO2)精油的化学成分进行了剖析,并与水汽蒸馏(SD)精油作了比较。
Composition of coriander seed essential oil prepared by steam distillation and supercritical co_2 fluid extraction 芫荽子超临界CO2流体萃取和水汽蒸馏精油的化学成分研究
Study on Chemical Constituents of Coriander Leaf Essential Oil and Scavenging Capacity Against the DPPH Radical 芫荽茎叶精油成分及清除DPPH自由基能力研究